Tuesday, November 3, 2009

NSFW November: "I'm with the band." -- Bebe Buell, Miss November 1974, was a very busy bee

If you need a snack or a potty break, now’s the time. Cause the lovely and talented Bebe Buell is about to suck up your entire life until you are through with this entry. … Welcome to the jungle. Better men than you have been lost in its vines.

Before I go on with her basically amazing life-story, I’d like to point out that this gorgeous slice of strawberry cheesecake was basically the Greenwich Village bicycle of the musical world in the 1970’s, and she rocked a pretty plush rug Down There. What gives with the kind of freakish waxed hardwood floors I am seeing in commercial porn lately? Vivid Video, this recently rediscovered art of the legitimate nude, this sexytimes pictures and video trend informed by raw, sexy authenticity, is why you guys are now losing the game almost completely to amateur streaming videos. Pubes and kissing are what make the difference between a so-so, mainly unconvincing video and a really special one. Write that down. Okay, so on with the show.

In 1972 while working as a teenage model in New York City, Buell met and dated rock star Todd Rundgren for several years. During and after her sometimes open relationship with Rundgren, she also became intimate with many other famous musicians, including Iggy Pop, David Bowie, Mick Jagger, Jimmy Page, and Steven Tyler while maintaining homes with Rundgren in both New York City and the Woodstock, New York area until late 1977.

Buell then moved on to Rod Stewart and in the summer of 1978, she began a tempestuous affair with the married but separated Elvis Costello which continued on and off until 1984. She was also involved with the late Stiv Bators and actor Jack Nicholson. — the wiki.

Okay, so the backstory, which is really more like a sexual history. Look, I think it is wretchedly unfair when a lady’s life story is framed by the boys she has bagged, but holy jeebus, Bebe Buell. How can I not bring it up??

Oh, you. You nutty, star-fucking, gorgeous-movie-star-baby-spawning, Penny-Lane-in-Almost-Famous-inspiring, deranged little minx! Gawd, how I love you and your decades-long trail of desperation. This chick is truly endless entertainment, you guys. I mean it.

And we should all kiss her feet for bringing that little daughter of hers into this world. Who is it?

All grown’z up, that chitlin in the above picture now easily ranks as one of my personal top ten most beautiful women alive on this planet, the gorgeous, sophisticated, private, and nothing-like-her-parents Liv Tyler:

*tear* Lord love you, Bebe Buell, you are a crazy mamma-jamma, but you make pretty mini-me’s. And it’s rather amazing that more did not hail from her loins. Like I said, she spent the 70’s and 80’s being quite the busy bee (no judgment AT ALL — you kept it clean and lean with some real sex machines: nothin’ but props, garrrl!). A brief glimpse at some of the highlights of Miss B’s hit parade:

Jeff Goodman aka Sammy Grubman, the “Strikeout King” and sleazy men’s magazine editor.

John Waite of The Babys and Bad English.

Robert Plant.“Filmmaker Cameron Crowe, in his commentary on the extended DVD of his 2000 movie Almost Famous, said he based the film’s “Penny Lane” character (played by Kate Hudson) on two women he met during the early 1970s — Bebe Buell and Pennie Trumble, a.k.a “Penny Lane”. He said he created some of Penny’s dialogue from statements Buell had made in interviews over the years.” — the wiki.

Todd Rundgren, who it was assumed was Liv’s father until testing proved otherwise in the early 1990’s.

Stiv Bators of the Dead Boys

Legit babydaddy Steve Tyler — she claims because of his drug addiction she let Liv think her father was Todd Rundgren. You’re right, Bebe, that’s much better. What clarity — someone please hand this woman a gavel, cause she should be a judge and bring mind-blowing Aristotlean logic to every case she oversees from the bench, topless of course.

Bonus mm-mmm-mmmmm hookup: co-groupie, the notorious Cyrinda Fox. Ow!!

Oh, those halcyon days of yummy, yummy ’70s drugs.

Recent shot at the 2009 Tribeca Film Fest

I couldn’t even find shots of her with Iggy Pop, Jack Nicholson, Jimmy Page, Mick Jagger, and some of the others with whom it is rumored she spent Us Time. But I did happen upon one decent picture of her and another personal favorite, Mr. Elvis Costello, who shockingly did not have very nice things to say about Miss Bb B!

Following pic and he-said/she-said quotes via the super-amazing neato-fantastic understated-uber-genius of chained and perfumed:

She said: “He was my Clark Gable.”

[Elvis Costello] said: “At best we were strangers with a coy and theoretical entanglement…However, she turned up with eight pieces of luggage like a mail-order bride…and I was too stupid and vain to resist. She’d later claimed to have inspired most of the songs on [Armed Forces]-all of which were already written when we met…It is a tragic delusion about which I could say: ‘I shall not dignify that with a response’ but ‘dignity’ doesn’t come into this story.”

Oh, my god, I never thought I’d say this, but I am tired of this. I’ll pick her back up another day (that’s what they all say).

Until next time, remember: if you see her backstage, it’s okay to let her in, Mr. Bouncer. She is with the band.

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