Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Day -1 (11/5/09): The Odyssey

I get asked about why I started this, and what I hoped to achieve through it. Most people assume its just about getting action, or just trying to play the odds and see if anything sticks. If you date a hundred girls, how many of them really impact you? How many of them do you really want to see again? How many can you see inside of?

A lot of this has to do with me still searching for that teenage feeling, that girl that comes out of nowhere, and knocks your socks off. As I get older, drunker, and more cynical those girls get fewer and farther between. You can meet great girls that are funny, smart, sweet, and incredibly flexible, and you’d date them because, well, you have no reason not to. I’m just trying to find my way home through all of this. There are Calypsos, sirens, Cyclopes, and suitors that you have to wade through. I knew in 100 days, a little over three months I would encounter them all, it was just a matter of where I would wind up.

One day before the hundred started, I spent it like how spent most of the following hundred: Drinking more than I should, procrastinating at work, and shooting the shit with Kara over GChat.  There was nothing unremarkable. No life changing omens and signs filled my day.

In my head I convinced myself that this was going to be some life-defining voyage. I decided that I had to become something bigger than myself, part of the reason for undertaking the alias. By becoming Travis Dillinger, I could feel a sense of detachment from the whole thing. I was working towards a goal, and I may falter and slip, but I would see it through to the end. I made a promise to myself that I wouldn’t fall for any of these girls, and I certainly wouldn’t go on a second date with any of them. But I knew that was something the real me would have an issue with.  Travis Dillinger would be the serial dater to my serial monogamist. Travis would be a part of me, maybe even all the worst parts of me, that I birthed on the sixth of November, and I would just embrace it.

[Via http://100girls100days.com]

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