Sunday, September 6, 2009


Today I punished myself. Some folks I know will like this fact, others will be less happy. Anyhow, the usual background stuff for the non-regular readers (the regular readers can skip to the next paragraph if you so desire). For those of you who don’t know, I’m in my 40’s, in the military, and in order to keep up with the youngsters I do CrossFit which is a rather excellent way to keep in shape. Plus I can not stand seeing older folks in the military that are way too big for their uniforms. It is embarrassing and I won’t be like that.

Normally I follow the prescribed workouts, but for the last couple of weeks I have been slacking up. I had invaders, my neck or back were bothering me (from injuries), doodah doodah. But the past few days I have been more religious about doing the prescribed workouts. That was my plan for this morning as well. Eat breakfast, drink some coffee and do the workout, but one thing led to another, procrastination bit me, and around 11am I finally decided it was time to work out.

Todays workout is as follows

Sunday 090906 6 rounds for time of: Run 400 meters 25 Burpees Set up under a bar that is one foot above your reach for the burpees. Jump and touch the bar for each burpee rep.

Seemed easy enough. I got dressed and went outside. The temperature wasn’t too bad, Low 80’s, 75% humidity, and I started out. Ran the first 400 meters in a respectable time, did the first 25 burpees with not too much trouble, ran the second 400 meters a little slower, and then the fun started. Half way through the second set of burpees, I am breathing hard trying to get just a little more oxygen, sweat is pouring off of me, but I power through them and finish that set. Another 400 meters, just a little slower. Then the rain started. I thought that would help, but it just meant I was sopping wet now. 5 burpees. Then 11, 12, 15, 18, 21, and finally 25. Time is crawling, and I am almost crawling as well. It feels like my breakfast of Cinnamon Life Cereal, banana and coffee have not provided the energy I need. I motor through the fourth 400 meters, get back to do the next 25 burpees and just stare at the ground. It is not that I can’t do another one. Every time I drop to the ground, I get back up, but I just don’t have the energy. I try all the tricks. Get your ass moving old man. They’re shooting at you – move it. There is a naked woman waiting for you when you are done, but my brain can not will my body to start another burpee. I force myself to start since if I get the first one out of the way, the 25th is just around the corner. My body has hit the wall, I have bonked, there is nothing left. But I keep going. Get to 11 and think that I only need 14 more. 13, and 12 more. Finally, 25 burpees are done and set 4 is complete. I go trot the last 400 meters, get back to the starting point and look at my watch – 58 minutes. There is no fucking way I can do another 25 burpees and I wimp out. Afterall, I’m old. OK, maybe not, but that is just what I keep telling myself so I don’t too down about not doing the last 25 burpees.

The moral of this story – don’t take time off. Don’t drink so much. Don’t make excuses. Just fucking do the workouts or –

                      you’ll get punished!

Result of today's punishment


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